Welcome to the library.  We are happy to provide you with library materials and any assistance you may need. Please help us to provide a safe, orderly and pleasant environment by complying with the following Code of Conduct:

The United States Court of Appeals decision (Kreimer vs. Bureau of Police for the Town of Morristown, 1992) found that a library is a "limited public forum" created for the specific purpose of providing access to materials.  Further, the library may draft rules of behavior that assure that the library is used for the general purposes for which it is intended.  This Code of Conduct covers behavior at the main library and the bookmobile.

    Camden County Library offers library services to all residents of the community regardless of age, economic status, ethnicity, gender, religious beliefs, or sexual orientation.  The library staff is committed to providing a welcoming, comfortable, safe, and accessible environment to its patrons.  The purpose of this policy is to establish regulations governing behavior on library property.  The following rules and regulations, referred to as the Library's Code of Conduct, have been established for all library users – children, teens, and adults.
    Library patrons and staff have a right to assume that their time spent in the library will be free from harassment; free from physical discomfort and danger; free from psychological and emotional stress.  If a person exhibits behavior that violates the Code of Conduct, a library staff member has the authority to ban the patron from the library's property for a predetermined time.  The library staff will document the inappropriate behavior in the patron's record and/or a shared secure file that the County Librarian has established.

    In order to maintain a safe environment the following behaviors are unacceptable:
    1. Potentially violent situation - In the event that a patron's behavior constitutes an imminent serious threat such as:
      1. Fighting
      2. Using obscene or abusive language or gestures
      3. Physical attack on library staff or other patrons
      4. Possession of alcohol or illegal drugs
      5. Intoxication or drugged person
      6. Any weapon of any kind
      7. Violations of Federal, State or local laws, ordinances or regulations


        Staff will call law enforcement and in the presence of a police officer (deputy) the staff member will inform (verbally and in writing) the patron that he/she is banned from the library for six months.  A physical attack on library staff or other patrons will result in being banned for one year and formal charges will be filed with local law enforcement. Staff will inform patron that if he/she returns during that time, second-degree trespassing charges will be pursued against them.

        Staff will notify the County Librarian immediately or as soon as feasible (not to exceed 24 hours) of the incident and the action taken.
    2. Unruly, annoying or inappropriate behavior -  such as:
      1. Excessive running or horseplay
      2. Loud or disruptive talking or other noises
      3. Smoking
      4. Sleeping in the library or at the library's entrance
      5. Making unreasonable use of he restrooms, including laundering clothes and bathing
      6. Eating and drinking is only permitted in the community meeting room. (See Community Room Policy)
      7. Defacing, destroying or stealing any library property or the property of others
      8. Fraudulent use of other people's library card or number for any purpose, including reserving computers
      9. Removing library material from premises without following established procedures
      10. Inappropriate use of library computers
      11. Not wearing shirts or shoes in the library
      12. Bringing animals into the building other than certified service animals
      13. Children under age 12 without appropriate supervision (See Safe Child Policy)
      14. Soliciting or selling of any kind for personal gain or unauthorized charitable purposes
      15. Distributing literature, taking surveys or asking individuals or employees to sign petitions
      16. Violating any federal, state or local ordinance on library grounds.
      17. Library patrons are responsible for their personal property. Items should nt be left unattended.
      18. The public is not allowed behind the service desks or in other non-public areas without express permission of a staff member.


        The staff will give one warning to the offending person (parent, caregiver, or guardian) and determine identification (necessary, especially for minors.)  After being warned, if behavior persists, then the violator will be informed verbally and in writing that he/she is banned for the 24 hours; the second occurrence earns loss of library privileged for one week; the third occurrence merits one months; any further occurrence earns six months.  If the violator is a minor, he/she will be offered the use of the staff phone or they can use the courtesy phone in the lobby to contact his/her parent or guardian.
    If the individual who has been banned, wishes to appeal this decision, then notification must be made in writing to the County Librarian within (10) days from the date of the exclusion.  The Library Director will review and may reconsider the decision to ban an individual upon receiving a written request of the patron and may shorten or terminate the banning period if information submitted by warrants such modification.  Director may consult with the County's Attorney before issuing the response to the banned individual.  If the individual would like to contest the Library Director's decision then the appeal will be heard at the next regularly scheduled meeting of the Board of Trustees.  Trustees will decide by a majority vote to uphold the exclusion if the behavior is a sufficient threat to the ability of the library to operate in a safe manner or if the behavior prevents staff and patrons from using the library services, furniture, facilities and materials for their intended use.  The ban will be in effect until this vote is taken. Trustees will instruct the library director to contact the person making the appeal by letter and inform him/her of the decision of the Board.
    This policy applies to all library customers and/or persons on library property.
    G. S. 153A - Article 14 and the criminal offenses defined by Federal Government, the State of North Carolina, and Camden County.
    It is the responsibility of the staff to understand this policy fully to ensure fair and equitable application.  It is the responsibility of the Library Director to interpret, monitor, and recommend updates to this policy to the Library Board of Trustees.
  7. Approved by the Board of Trustees

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