What is Code Enforcement?
Code Enforcement has to do with making sure that certain conditions considered to be nuisances to the public health, safety, and welfare are remedied when they are found to exist on parcels of land located within Camden County.
The Camden County Code of Ordinances specifies certain conditions to be nuisances to the public health, safety, and welfare. When such conditions are reported to exist, the Code Enforcement Officer will investigate. If the reported condition(s) is found to be valid and factual, actions are taken to request and require the property owner to conform to the Camden County Code of Ordinances.
There are 2 ways that nuisance conditions are brought to the attention of the County:
- Discovery by the Code Enforcement Officer
- Reported by member(s) of the public
Nuisances include the following:
Abandoned and Junked Motor Vehicles
Chapter 90 of the Camden County Code of Ordinances specifies "Abandoned and Junked Motor Vehicles" as nuisances to the public health, safety, and welfare.
Exceptions and Abatement
If you are restoring a vehicle and are using one or more junked vehicles in your restoration effort, you **MAY** be eligible for a ONE YEAR restoration exception to the ordinance. Contact the Code Enforcement Officer for more information.
If your vehicle(s) do not qualify for the restoration exception, you must comply with the order of the Code Enforcement Officer within the allotted time-frame as indicated by the Code Enforcement Officer. Failure to do so will result in penalties and/or fines as defined by the Camden County Code of Ordinances, §10.99, General Penalty. If you do not have the resources, funds, or time to comply with the order, you may opt to allow the County to ABATE the violation by removing the junked vehicle(s) from your property for you. Contact the Code Enforcement Officer for more information about abatement.
General Nuisances
Chapter 94 of the Camden County Code of Ordinances specifies certain conditions to be general nuisances to the public health, safety, and welfare. Those conditions include:
- Growth of Grass and Weeds - In Excess of 12 Inches of Growth
- Accumulations of Animal or Vegetable Matter
- Accumulations of Rubbish, and the Like
- Conditions Violating Health Department Rules
- Burned or Partially Burned Buildings and Structures
- Storm or Erosion Damaged Structures and Resulting Debris
- Structurally Deteriorated, or Storm Damaged Automobile Service Station Canopies
- Miscellaneous: Any Other Condition Specified a Nuisance in County Ordinance
Abatement (Condition(s) Remedied by County)
Upon notification to a property owner by the Code Enforcement Officer that one or more of the above conditions exist on a parcel of land owned by said property owner, conditions must be remedied within time frame specified by the Camden County Code Enforcement Officer. If condition(s) are not remedied within such time-frame as specified, or within 15 days of receipt of notification as stated in §94.04 of the Camden County Code of Ordinances, Abatement by County, the condition(s) will be remedied by the county and associated costs billed to the property owner. If such costs are not paid in a timely manner, costs will be added as a lien on the tax bill of the property owner.