
This website is your place for information and announcements during the planning process to update the County's Comprehensive Plan. This is a community-driven planning process that will chart the future course for Camden County.

What is a Comprehensive Plan?

A Comprehensive Plan is a "blueprint" that provides guidance as to where and how a community will grow and change. Comprehensive Plans typically consist of maps, goals, policy statements and strategies for addressing a number of issues relating to growth, housing, economic development, transportation, parks, recreation, aesthetics, community character, historic preservation and conservation, and other topics. The County's current plan – the 2005 Advanced Core CAMA Land Use Plan – will be updated through this planning process.

The new Camden County Comprehensive Plan will guide growth and development by addressing three main questions:  (1) what is the status of Camden County right now; (2) what is the vision for Camden County in the future; and (3) what needs to happen to achieve that vision?

What is the schedule for the planning process?

The planning process to update the Comprehensive Plan began in the summer of 2011. The plan is expected to be completed by the summer of 2012.

Click here for the general project schedule.

Who is leading the planning effort?

The Camden County Board of Commissioners has appointed a Steering Committee to oversee development of the new plan. Steering Committee members were selected to represent a broad array of community interests.

Click here to view the list of Steering Committee members.

Camden County Planning and Community Development Department staff and a consultant team led by Clarion Associates are providing administrative and technical support for the planning process. To learn more about the consultant, go to www.clarionassociates.com.

How does this relate to the Comprehensive Transportation Plan?

Camden County is fortunate to be developing both the County Comprehensive Plan and the County Comprehensive Transportation Plan (CTP) concurrently. These plans are being coordinated to ensure that final policy and strategy recommendations are consistent. The CTP is being developed with the assistance of the North Carolina Department of Transportation. The final CTP document will include maps that identify existing and planned future components of the County's transportation system, including interstates, highways, roads, transit, bike paths, trails, and pedestrian ways. For more information on the CTP, contact Ivo Dernev, PE with the NC-DOT Transportation Planning Branch at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or (919) 707-0925, or visit this link.

How do I get more information about the process?

To learn more about the Camden County Comprehensive Plan process, contact one of the following planners:

Leigh Anne King, AICP, LEED® AP
Clarion Associates


Camden County Planning & Community Development
117 NC Hwy 343 North. Camden NC 27921

