1) FY 2021-2022 Budget & 2021-2025 Capital Improvement Program
Pursuant to NCGS 159-12(b), the Camden County Board of Commissioners will hold a public hearing on Monday, June 7, 2021 at 7:00 PM in the Historic Courthouse located at 117 NC Hwy 343 North in Camden, NC for the purpose of receiving public input regarding the Fiscal Year 2021-2022 Proposed Budget and 2021-2025 Capital Improvement Program, which has been submitted to the Board of Commissioners and filed with the clerk. A copy of the FY 21-22 Proposed Budget is kept on file for public inspection in the clerk’s office located at 330 East Highway 158 in Camden, NC.
2) Installment Financing Agreement
The Board of Commissioners for the County of Camden, North Carolina (the “County”) has determined to consider whether to enter into an installment financing agreement (the “Agreement”) pursuant to Section 160A-20 of the General Statutes of North Carolina obligating the County to make installment payments thereunder in a principal amount not to exceed $4,650,000, plus interest thereon. The Agreement is for the purpose of providing funds, together with any other available funds, to pay the costs of acquiring, constructing and equipping a new public library complex for the County (the “Project”). To secure its obligations under the Agreement, the County will grant a lien on all or a portion of the site of the Project, together with any improvements or fixtures located or to be located thereon.
Section 160A-20(g) of the General Statutes of North Carolina requires that the County hold a public hearing prior to entering into the Agreement. If the Board of Commissioners for the County so determines, an application will be submitted to the Local Government Commission of North Carolina for approval of the Agreement.
Please take notice that the Board of Commissioners for the County will conduct a public hearing in the Upstairs Historic Courtroom located at 117 North 343 in Camden, North Carolina at 7:00 p.m. on June 7, 2021 at which time any person may be heard regarding the proposed Agreement described above.
Any person wishing to comment in writing regarding the proposed Agreement should do so prior to June 7, 2021 to the County of Camden, North Carolina, Post Office Box 190, Camden, North Carolina 27921, Attention: Karen M. Davis.
The meeting agenda / packet will be available at this link no later than 5 PM on Thursday, June 3rd: https://www.camdencountync.gov/government/board-of-commissioners/board-packets/category/146-2021