06:30am - 09:00pm
Wintergreen Ski Trip
The Camden County Parks & Recreation Department announces it's annual Wintergreen Ski & Snowboard Trip... Trip date is January 20, 2015. Participants will leave from the Camden County Courthouse parking lot at 6:30 am and return approximately 9:00 pm. Registration fee is $130.00 (payable to Roger Morgan). Registration deadline is January 13, 2015. Participants must be 12 years old or accompanied by an adult / legal guardian.
08:00am - 05:00pm
Paddle for the Border 2015 Registration
Come join us for the 12th annual Paddle for the Border... Paddle the Historic Dismal Swamp Canal from South Mills, NC to Chesapeake VA... May 2, 2015... for more information: www.dismalswampwelcomecenter.com, dscwelcome@camdencountync.gov, or call 252-771-8333.
09:30am - 11:00am
Camden Food Pantry Open
Camden Food Pantry Open, Located at Camden United Methodist Church.