North Carolina State Statutes require that all real property (land, buildings, and other improvements to the land) be revalued at market value at least every 8 years. This is to ensure that the value of property is accurate in light of changing real estate market conditions during the previous 8-year cycle. The most recent revaluation was made effective January 1, 2023 after the appraisal of 7500 parcels in Camden County by Pearson Appraisals. Property owners should receive a notice starting in April stating the updated assessed market value of their property.

If no appeal is requested, you do not have to return your appeal notice to our office.

Assessment Appeal Process

According to the NC General Statutes, the property owner has the burden of proving that the property under appeal is incorrectly valued. If the taxpayer feels the value on their notice does not reflect fair market value, the assessment appeal process provides the opportunity to dispute that value and present opposing evidence.

Step One: Informal Appeal

Informal Appeals can be filed by choosing one of the following options:

  1. Appeal in Person - You may call 252-338-1919 ext. 297 to make an appointment to meet with an appraiser, from Pearson Appraisal at our office located at 117 N. Hwy. 343, Camden, NC 27921.
  2. Appeal by Phone - You may call 252-338-1919 ext. 297 and arrange for an appraiser to call you and discuss your appeal over the phone.
  3. Written Appeal by Mail - You may submit an appeal by filling out the bottom section of your appeal notice and mailing it along with any supporting documents to 117 N. Hwy. 343, Camden, NC 27921.

Step Two: Formal Appeal to the Board of Equalization & Review

If you feel the decision reached in the Informal Appeal is incorrect and decide to appeal to the Board of Equalization & Review, please call the Camden County Tax Office at 252-338-1919 ext. 806 for an appointment. If you can not personally come to the appointment you can mail your information for appeal to the Tax Administrator who can present your appeal to the board. If the appeal is denied by the Equalization & Review Board property owners can still have an additional appeal opportunity with the Property Tax Commission. The instructions on how to appeal to this next step will be provided as the property owner moves forward.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Market Value?

NC G.S. 105-283 - Market Value is the price, estimated in terms of money, at which the property would change hands between a willing and financially able buyer and a willing seller, neither being under compulsion to buy or sell and both having reasonable knowledge of all the uses to which the property is adapted and for which it is capable of being used. This definition excludes foreclosure and family sales along with other sales that don’t meet the market value definition.

What is the purpose of a countywide revaluation?

The countywide revaluation is done to provide an accurate assessment based on the sales throughout the county. Properties are reviewed to check property and structures.

Pearson Appraisals has over 30 years' experience and have done counties from small to large.

Return to Tax Mainpage

!---->Pay & View Bills Online

Click the button below to pay online. You can also view your utility bill online.

Pay Taxes





Attention South Camden Water & Sewer District customers:

Courthouse/Shiloh Township bill payments are due by the 15th of each month.
South Mills Township bill payments are due by the 29th of each month.
If not paid by 5:00 p.m., a $10.00 penalty will be applied.

Auto Withdrawal

You may set up auto withdraw through PSN with a card, a 3% service charge applies through this 3rd party service.
- OR - 
Stop by or email the main office for auto withdraw through your checking account.

This is a free service! We would need a copy of a voided check and authorization form filled out.
Click here for authorization form.

Pay By Phone

Utility payments, call 1-877-885-7968. On the first call, you will register on our automated phone payments system so that future payments are just 3 steps.

All other payments, call 1-866-917-7368.

Mail Checks

PO BOX 249
Camden, NC 27921
PO BOX 125
Camden, NC 27921

Deliver Checks

Water/Sewer & Tax Building

160C East Highway 158, Camden, NC 27921 (Near the Camden County Health Department)



NOTE: Viewing utility bills online is a free service. Please opt out of receiving paper bills to save resources.

Changes in convenience fees for tax & water payments, effective October 1st, 2021:
Convenience fees apply to electronic payments: $1.10 for check and savings; 3% (+50¢ if under $100 for credit and debit cards.

If you need assistance with paying online, call PSN at 866-917-7368.

If you have questions on the amount of your bill/fees or need service, call 252-338-1919.

We use Payment Service Network to process our payments. PSN has been certified as maintaining the highest level of security as required by the credit card industry.

Make Your Rental Deposit Payment

CALL 252-338-1919 EXT 236 OR 250

Staff Directory

Tax Department

Name Position Phone
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Tax Administrator and County Assessor
Tax Specialist
Tax Specialist
Tax Specialist
Tax Specialist
252-338-1919 x225
252-338-1919 x258
252-338-1919 x257
252-338-1919 x226
252-338-1919 x224

Camden County Tax Department

Camden Tax Office is now located at their new location:
160C East Hwy 158, Camden, NC, 27921(near the Camden Health Department)

Tax Related Documents

(Please click on the links below)

Affidavit of Consideration or Value

Application for Agriculture, Horticulture, and Forestry Present-Use Value Assessment

Application for Property Tax Relief

Tax Payments

  1. Pay with Credit, Debit, Cash, Money Order or Check at the Tax Office
    • 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Monday-Friday.
  2. Place your payment in the drop slot between the hours of 5:00 p.m. - 8:00 a.m.
    • located in the front door of our office.
  3. Mail your payments to
    • Camden County Tax Department, P.O. Box 125, Camden, NC  27921
  4. Pay online with your credit card or bank account. 
    • Transaction fees apply.
  5. Call toll free 1-877-885-7968
    • Transaction fees apply.

2025 Notice Camden County Tax Listing Dates

Please click here to access the 2025 tax listing dates notice for Camden County.

County-Wide Revaluation

Camden County is working on a county-wide revaluation that will go in effect on January 1, 2023. Pearson's Appraisal, Inc. is working on this project. There will be staff from his company working out in the field. They will be looking at properties and measuring improvements that are not listed on the appraisal card. Also, they will be updating pictures for the appraisal card. They will have ID and magnetic signs on the car. If there are any concerns, please do not hesitate to contact Lisa Anderson, Tax Administrator at (252) 338-1919 ext. 806 or the Sheriff's office at (252) 338-1919 ext. 240.



Upcoming Events

Tue Mar 04 @10:00AM -
Library Baby Storytime
Tue Mar 04 @ 1:00PM -
Senior Center Bingo
Tue Mar 04 @ 3:30PM -
Library Mardi Gras Mask Workshop
Tue Mar 04 @ 5:15PM -
Senior Center - Advisory Board Meeting
Wed Mar 05 @ 9:30AM -
Senior Center Chair Yoga
Wed Mar 05 @10:30AM -
Library Toddler Storytime
Thu Mar 06 @10:00AM - 12:00PM
Senior Center - Fraud & Scams Event
Thu Mar 06 @10:30AM -
Library Big Kid Storytime
Fri Mar 07 @ 1:00PM -
Senior Center Movie and Popcorn
Mon Mar 10 @ 9:30AM -
Senior Center Chair Yoga